Privacy Request Record-Keeping Obligations
25 official requests received by all residents:
- Matched: 11
- No Match: 10
- Denied: 4
Of the 11 Matches:
- Request for Data: 8
- Request for Deletion: 9
Median Processing Times:
- Request for Data: 3 Days
- Deletions: 5 Days
5 official requests received by all residents:
Of the 4 Matches:
- Request for Data: 4
- Request for Deletion: 1
Average Processing Times:
- Request for Data: 3 Days
- Deletions: 5 Days
15 official requests received by all residents:
Of the 4 Matches:
- Request for Data: 7
- Request for Deletion: 14
Average Processing Times:
- Request for Data: 3 Days
- Deletions: 7 Days
51 official requests received by all residents:
Request Types:
- Data Collection: 22
- Data Sharing: 23
- Delete / Opt-Out: 44
Processing Times:
- Data Collection/Sharing: 5 Day Average, 3 Day Median
- Deletions/Opt-Outs: 7-Day Average, 7-Day Median
26,384 requests received by all residents:
- Valid Requests: 9,322
- Invalid Requests: 17,102
Of the 9,322 Valid Requests:
- Matched: 699
- No Matched: 8,583*
* Despite not matching our databases at the time of the request, we ensure the individual will never appear in our databases in the future.
Request Types:
- Data Collection / Sharing Report: 1,078
- Delete / Opt-Out: 9,332
Processing Times:
- Data Collection/Sharing: 23-Day Average, 21-Day Median
- Deletions/Opt-Outs: 21-Day Average, 21-Day Median
Of the 17,102 Invalid Requests:
- Unauthorized Agent/Third-Party: 11,220
- SPAM Request (flagged by Google’s ReCAPTCHA 3.0): 5,882